The moment when a child is born, the mother is also born!

What is Gestational Age?

Probably people say that a pregnancy typically lasts about nine months (or 38 weeks) from the time of conception until a full-term infant is delivered. But in calculation the length of a pregnancy was decided by gestational age. Gestational age is the number of weeks that have passed since the first day of a woman's last normal menstrual period. Therefore a full-term pregnancy would be 40 weeks long. Especially in the early stages of pregnancy, a physician can confirm the gestational age of your pregnancy through a physical exam and ultrasound.

What is Conceptional Age?

The first trimester is defined by conceptional age. Gestational age is not the equal as conceptional age. Conceptional age is the time has passed since actual conception (fertilization). Conception cannot take place until you ovulate, and that typically happens about 14 days after the start of your monthly period. So, conceptional age is always be about 14 days younger than gestational age. The average length of a full-term pregnancy is about 280 days, or 40 gestational weeks from the first day of the last period. The average length of a pregnancy from the time of conception is about 266 days, or 38 conceptional weeks from the day of conception.

Role of Genetics:

Human beings are born with 46 chromosomes. Chromosomes thread-like structures that carry the genetic instructions that over time develop a one-celled embryo into a 100 trillion-cell human adult. Each person inherits 23 chromosomes from their biological mother and 23 chromosomes from their biological father.

The fetal period is about continued differentiation of organs and tissues, most essentially this period is about growth both in size and weight. The long Fetal period is a time of substantial growth in size and mass as well as on-going differentiation of organ systems established in the embryonic period and do so at different times. For example, the brain continues to grow and develop extensively during this period (and postnatally), the respiratory system differentiates (and completes only just before birth), the urogenital system further differentiates between male/female, endocrine and gastrointestinal tract begins to function.

“A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die.


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