Why babies die?
It is very infrequent for a baby to die in late pregnancy these days because women are in good health and good antenatal care is available. However, regrettably, some babies do die, sometimes without threatening and despite women doing all the right things. Some babies die in the uterus before they are born called an intrauterine fetal death. It can happen during the last half of pregnancy or during the labour and birth, when it is known as intrapartum death. When the baby has died during labour and birth is born, this is called a stillbirth. If a baby is born alive but dies in some weeks of life, this is called a neonatal death. Many people think that stillbirths happen because of a growing or genetic problem that means the baby could not survive. In detail, this is the case for less than one in ten stillborn babies. For as several as 6 in 10 stillborn babies, the cause of death is not known. Placental problems The placenta is the transitory organ that joins ...